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Inside Out with Deputy Director, Sherry Choong.

Spire Group

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

How do you begin to quantify success? Does it solely lie in the accolades and the fame? Is it instead in the wealth garnered? Spire Group’s Deputy Director, Sherry Choong (RNF no: CSH300095187), argues that instead of the material rewards, the measure of success lies in the lives that you positively touch. Selfless to a fault, her experience in financial advisory, which spans over a decade, is established on helping others undergo their lives to the fullest extent.

Young at heart and always daring to take the road less travelled, Sherry’s journey into the financial services industry was fraught with doubt. At a young age, guided by her principle of helping and teaching others, she joined the Girl Guides group in Singapore. Describing it as a “wonderful and eye-opening” experience, Sherry came to the cognizance that her calling and interest rested on finding an occupation that involved meeting people and guiding them.

Fast forward to Singapore Polytechnic, Sherry excelled at the Banking and Finance course and initially considered a path in accounting. By chance, she picked up an internship with Spire Group’s Senior Director, David Tang, to explore career options in the sector. Under David’s guidance, her interest in the financial services industry bloomed and eventually blossomed into a career path. Sherry has since then served as an integral member of Spire Group’s reliable team of financial advisors.

Q: Why do you think there is a fundamental need for proper financial planning?

A: I think the answer lies in the importance of peace of mind. I was born into a humble family and bore witness to many days when my parents would work late into the night. Financial planning was not a necessity back then. There were many occasions where better planning could have aided our situation. I believe there are still people in Singapore today who face similar struggles. I want to lend a helping hand out to them so they do not need to experience what my family went through. After all, there has to be more to life than working every day.

Q: What is a skill or talent you have which has left behind the most positive impact?

A: I enjoy teaching. Being able to impart my knowledge to people and teach them what I know leaves a positive and empowering feeling that urges me on. It makes me happy when my clients understand the concept I would have explained and are willing to try it out.

Q: What is a reward in financial work that people might not be aware of?

A: I think a lot of it lies in the gratitude that my clients have shown me throughout the past few years. I know some people who have become lifelong friends simply because of the positive interactions I had with them as their financial advisor. These bonds fostered through mutual trust and assistance, while maybe subliminal, is something everlasting.

Q: What are some things you like to do in your free time to de-stress?

A: Being in the outside Sun and a part of nature brings me peace and happiness. I also like to run and stay active as it helps with my mental and physical health. I also find the freedom of mind I get through yoga and its intrinsic ability to clear my mind and help me think to be unlike no other. Plus, it allows me to enjoy eating food without worrying!

Q: With your experience and expertise, is there a particular group of clients you interact with?

A: I tend to draw and relate with mass affluent single women in their 30s to 40s more so than others, but generally, I do not have any preference or a specific group.

A firm believer in the same principle of hard work followed by athletes and entrepreneurs and with an attitude rooted in constant reading and learning, it is then without a doubt that her qualification into the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is well-deserved. Congratulations Sherry, and thank you for all the contributions!


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